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The Shadows Series - A Christian Romance Books 1-5 Paperback Bundle (Individual Books)

The Shadows Series - A Christian Romance Books 1-5 Paperback Bundle (Individual Books)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4,650+ 5 Star Reviews

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An inspirational romance, a story of passion and love, and of God’s inexplicable desire to free people from pasts that haunt them so they can live a life full of His peace, love and forgiveness, regardless of the circumstances. Book 1, “Lingering Shadows” is set in England, and follows the story of Lizzy, a headstrong, impulsive young lady from a privileged background, and Daniel, a roguish Irishman who sweeps her off her feet. But can Lizzy leave the shadows of her past behind and give Daniel the love he deserves, and will Daniel find freedom and release in God?



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐"I absolutely LOVE this series. One of the very best Christian love stories I have ever read. ADDICTIVE READING."

A jilted teacher, a charming Irishman, & the chance to escape their pasts & start again


Book 1: Lingering Shadows
To her family's consternation, Lizzy deals with heartache by running away with Daniel, a near-stranger. But once they're married, Lizzy discovers her new husband has demons he hasn't shared with her--and the stresses of marriage will send him back to them. Can these two lost souls endure the greatest challenge of their lives?

Book 2: Facing the Shadows
Daniel is locked in a downward spiral, unable to break free of his demons. Though her heart aches for him, Lizzy realizes she must protect herself and their unborn child. She must also face her own past before she turns toward the future. When Daniel is badly injured by his own folly, can this couple who've been divided by pain, embrace God's healing touch on them both?

Book 3: Beyond the Shadows
Lizzy and Daniel settle into their new life in the Lake District. As Daniel grows in his faith, they look forward to parenthood. But when Daniel receives devastating news of family tragedy, his sobriety is threatened. As he and Lizzy travel to Ireland to reunite with his estranged family, can Daniel draw on God's strength and Lizzy's support to remain a steadfast man of faith?

Book 4: Secrets and Sacrifice
When Grace O’Connor arrives in the Scottish Highlands, she’s hiding a secret and trailing more baggage than she cares to admit. Grace’s sister, Brianna, has a history linked to Grace’s secret. There, amongst the rugged Scottish Highlands and a community of caring, loving Christians, Grace meets the handsome Ryan MacGregor, an ex-military Paratrooper with a history of his own.

Book 5: A Highland Christmas
Brianna O’Connor is looking forward to spending Christmas in Spain with her friend, Susan. Instead, she finds herself in her sister’s car heading for the Scottish Highlands to spend it with family she barely knows. Andrew McKinnon is coming to the Highlands to share Christmas, and a secret that is about to change his life forever, with his parents. Surrounded by family thrust together by Brianna’s well-meaning brother, Daniel, Brianna and Andrew are attracted to each other, something Brianna never expected would happen. Bruised and damaged as a teenager, can she now trust God?


"Wonderfully written! Gospel shared thoroughly and amazingly!! Real life struggles for the Christian as well as the lost. Loved it!"

"I thoroughly enjoyed reading this trilogy and had a hard time putting it down. I became involved in the character's lives and felt like I knew these people. It was written in a way that was very true to life and I was thrilled to see the way the author showed how finding God made such a difference in their lives."

"What a wonderful series this is turning out to be. I've cried, laughed, been on the edge of my seat, oh, and cried some more. I even caught myself praying for Grace! I certainly hope you turn out many more books. I love that they are CHRISTIAN romances!"



Books included in this bundle:

  • Lingering Shadows
  • Facing the Shadows
  • Beyond the Shadows
  • Secrets and Sacrifice
  • A Highland Christmas

Main Tropes:

  • Troubled marriage
  • Flawed characters
  • No bad language or uncomfortable bedroom scenes
  • Redemption story

Read the first chapter

North-East England 1981

Marrying Daniel O’Connor was a risk, no two ways about it. Lizzy still didn’t know why she’d agreed to marry him, but tomorrow at midday, come
what may, she would be saying “I do”.
Although impetuous, she was also loyal, and while her actions were highly irregular, she would see it through, and she would be a good wife to Daniel, regardless of what anyone thought. And she’d prove her father wrong.
She would also ask God to bless their marriage, even though Daniel didn’t yet share her beliefs.
The past week had been busy, keeping her mind off tomorrow, and now she had to collect Sal, her best and most loyalist of friends, from the
station. Lizzy glanced at her watch and tapped her fingers on the steering wheel as the traffic stalled in front of her.
“Come on, you lot! I don’t want to be late. Move!” She thumped the
wheel, and then sped around the car in front that had completely stopped and was going nowhere.
The train pulled into the station just as she entered the carpark. She zipped into a spot someone had just vacated, jumped out of the car, slammed the door, and sprinted to the entrance, taking the stairs two at a time. People of all sizes and shapes were already piling out of the train onto the platform, but Sal’s carrot red hair stood out amongst the crowd, making her easy to spot.
“Sal!” Lizzy waved and called out, not worried in the slightest what the people around her would think. Running down the stairs against the general flow of traffic, she bumped into anyone who wasn’t fast enough to get out of her way, and almost knocked Sal off her feet when, finally reaching her, she threw her arms around her best friend with uncontrolled abandon.
“I’m so glad you could make it, Sal. It’s great to see you!” Lizzy whirled her around and hugged her again.
“Wow Liz! It’s great to see you too, but it’s only been three
months!” Sal drew her eyebrows together and tilted her head slightly, curiosity
loitering in her smile as she searched Lizzy’s face. “Are you okay?”
Lizzy pulled back, annoyed at Sal’s perception. “Of course. I’m okay. What makes you think I’m not?”
“Oh, you just seem a little on edge.”
Lizzy’s eyes narrowed and her lips flattened into a thin line as
she picked up Sal’s dark brown carry all.
“I’m fine.”
“Okay then.” Sal glanced at Lizzy from the corner of her eye before tucking her arm through the crook of Lizzy’s elbow as they walked back
along the platform. “I still can’t believe you moved all the way up here. Couldn’t you have gone somewhere just a little closer?”
“You know why I did.” Lizzy breathed in deeply. “Oh, but Sal, I do miss home.” Lizzy fought back the sudden tears that pricked her eyes, and then turned her head to Sal, a forced smile planted on her face. “But enough of that. Tell me everything that’s been happening.”
All the way to the car, the girls chatted like two long lost
friends, and Lizzy’s mind was taken off the events of the morrow yet again.
The traffic hadn’t lessened, and as she pulled out of the car park, Lizzy turned on the wipers. A wet day. Great. That’s all I need. She slammed on the brakes as a car pulled out in front of her and blasted the horn while she shouted at the driver. A futile exercise, but it made her feel better. Her nerves were a little on edge.
“You haven’t told your parents yet, have you?”
Lizzy bristled and held the steering wheel a little tighter. Why did Sal have to bring my parents up?
She shook her head without looking at Sal.
“Don’t you think you should?”
Lizzy clenched her jaw. Why can’t she let things be? Maybe
asking her to come was a mistake. But Sal was her best friend.
She put her foot down to beat the lights that had just changed to amber. “No. And I don’t feel bad about it. They’d never agree to me marrying
him, so I’m just going to do it. I know they’ll be angry when they find out, but it’ll be too late to do anything about it then. They shouldn’t have been so horrible to him.”
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing, Liz? Have you prayed about it?” Sal’s eyes bored into her.
Lizzy wasn’t game to look. Maybe I should tell her how I’m really feeling. But if she knew the truth, Lizzy
was sure that Sal would try her best to stop her from marrying Daniel, and it wasn’t worth the risk. Having set her path, Lizzy was determined to stick to it. She’d actually contemplated calling it off a few times over the past couple
of weeks, but the prospect of being alone again made her banish those thoughts
immediately. It had to be better to be with someone than to be lonely.
Lizzy took a deep breath and calmed herself. “Yes, I’ve prayed about it. And yes, I do love him. I know what I’m doing, Sal, even if you think
I don’t.” She slowed down to take the next corner. “He’s a bit of a lad, so different to Mathew, but I love him. He makes me laugh and smile. I feel happy when I’m with him.” She turned her head and glanced at Sal. “I know what you’re thinking, and you might be right. I probably am marrying him on the rebound,
but you know what? I don’t care. I can’t handle being on my own any longer.” She wiped the tears from her
eyes and hoped Sal hadn’t seen them.
Sal looked at her intently. “I hope you’ll be happy, Liz. I really do.”
They sat quietly the rest of the way to Lizzy’s apartment on the outskirts of town. The streetlights had come on early, and the drizzle had
increased to light rain. The windscreen wipers were doing their thing, and their squeak reminded Lizzy she needed to get new blades.
“This is it. Home sweet home.” Lizzy pointed to the block of
apartments on the left as she reversed into a small gap on the narrow street lined with cars. Four storeys high, and spanning half a block, the complex’s only redeeming feature was the garden that ran between the brown brick walls and the footpath. “It’s better on the
inside,” she said as she saw the look on Sal’s face.
“I would hope so!” Sal raised her eyebrows. “A bit of a come down, Liz. “Are you going to live here once you’re married?”
“For a while. It really is much better on the inside.” Lizzy
opened the car door and climbed out. She zipped her jacket and covered her head
with its hood before grabbing Sal’s bags out of the boot and directing her up the flight of stairs. Opening the door to the apartment, she held her breath as she waited for Sal’s reaction.
“Wow, Liz! You weren’t wrong! This really is nice!” Sal entered
the living room and fell onto the new sofa Lizzy had picked up recently at a sale. “You always did have an eye for nice things.”
“Thanks Sal.” Lizzy’s face expanded into a broad grin. “I’ll just put these in your room and then make us a drink.”
Lizzy placed Sal’s bags in the spare room, and then busied herself making a cup of tea. She glanced at the clock. Daniel would be here any minute.
* * *
“Liz! I know you told me he was good looking, but you didn’t tell me how much!”
“Shh! He’ll hear you!”
“Okay, I’ll just sit here and drool.”
“He is pretty cute, I have to agree.” Lizzy laughed and glanced over to where Daniel was standing at the bar, and her heart warmed. Maybe she
did love him after all.
“Here you go, my lovelies! Two shandies with flair!” Daniel placed the glasses on the table and winked at Sal.
“Daniel! You shouldn’t do that! What will she think!” Lizzy said with a laugh in her voice.
“Oh, go on,” he said in his best Irish accent. “I was just having
a bit o’ fun!”
“It’s okay, Liz.” Sal patted Lizzy’s leg and then looked up, a warm smile on her face. “Thank you, kind sir.”
“My pleasure.” He bowed, and then took his seat beside Lizzy. He placed his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. She didn’t resist, instead, she snuggled closer.
“Good of you to come up for the wedding, Sal,” Daniel said.
“Lizzy’s told me a lot about you.”
“Has she just?” Sal glanced at Lizzy with a glint of mischief in
her eye. “And what exactly has she been saying?”
“Oh, only good things,” Daniel replied.
“I’m pleased to hear that!” Sal said.
“And what has she told you about me?” Daniel raised his eyebrows.
Sal hesitated and stole a glance at Lizzy before replying. “Only good things!”
Both girls burst out in laughter at Sal’s attempt to copy his
accent. Lizzy sat up and smiled at Daniel. As their eyes met, a tingle of excitement ran through her body. Cheeky he might be, but he was also lovable.
And he was going to be her husband.
“Come on you two! You’ll have enough time for that tomorrow!” Sal said.
Lizzy turned her head and grinned at Sal. “Yes, you’re right. Let’s order, shall we?”
As Lizzy laughed and reminisced with Sal over dinner, her heart lightened and her anxiety over her forthcoming wedding lessened. For a while at least.
When she climbed into bed a few hours later, however, her active mind kept her awake. Did she really know what she was doing?

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"I have read almost all your books. I love reading them because of the Christian words from the Bible and the triumphs of the characters. So much violence in the world it’s good reading how to deal with these tragedies with God’s help and grace."

About the books....

  • Book 1: Lingering Shadows

    Born of wealth and privilege, Elizabeth Walton-Smythe's future should have been set in stone. The headstrong teacher and her minister beau should have been married. That was the plan, as far as Lizzy was concerned. But, that wasn't to be, and one fateful encounter with a roguish Irishman quickly alters Lizzy's future and sends her heart and her life into a tailspin.

    Marriage shouldn't have been an option, but in her haste to rebel and escape, it soon became her reality. Now, she's faced with a new, different kind of fateful decision. One which will test her faith and her resolve. With secrets from Daniel's past lurking and deep, dark secrets of her own to contend with, can the love that should have never been be salvaged, and will these two seemingly lost souls be able to endure the greatest challenge of their lives?

    This is a Christian romance, a story of passion, love, and of God's inexplicable desire to free people from pasts that haunt them, so they can live a life full of His peace, love and forgiveness, regardless of the circumstances.

  • Book 2: Facing the Shadows

    Book Two in "The Shadows Series" finds Lizzy in turmoil. Her heart aches for Daniel, who has yet to conquer his demons. As his downward spiral continues, Lizzy struggles to maintain her resolve and forge ahead on her own.

    With so much working against her, the reality of having to return home to the manor only enhances her sorrows. Lizzy knows the only way to win back control over all that haunts her is to face that which she has avoided for far too long, even if that means unearthing the truth behind her breakup with the minister, Mathew Carter.

    In order to continue her quest to move forward, Lizzy will have to draw strength from God and his healing touch, but only if her heart is ready to accept all that entails.

    Two souls united by circumstance, divided by pain, must pull themselves from the depths of despair and embrace all that is waiting for them, and welcome God's gracious intervention in their lives.

  • Book 3: Beyond the Shadows

    In Book Three of The Shadows Series, Lizzy and Daniel have settled nicely into their new life in the Lake District. Daniel is growing in his Christian faith and Lizzy couldn’t be more delighted.

    Life is wonderful for the young couple until Daniel receives devastating news that may lead to his undoing and challenge his sobriety.

    With temptation testing him, Daniel will have to draw on God’s strength and his family’s support to resist it or live with the fact that he’s not only failed himself but failed God. Lizzy and Daniel are put to the test.

    Can they withstand the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges they’ll face as they return to Ireland and face Daniel’s past?

    Is their love and their faith strong enough to pull them through or will the pressure tear them apart?

  • Book 4: Secrets and Sacrifice

    When Grace O’Connor arrives in the Scottish Highlands, she’s hiding a secret and trailing more baggage than she cares to admit.

    Grace’s sister, Brianna, has a history linked to Grace’s secret.

    There, amongst the rugged Scottish Highlands and a community of caring, loving Christians, Grace meets the handsome Ryan MacGregor, an ex-military Paratrooper with a history of his own.

    As the secrets of Grace’s past unravel and the sacrifices she’s made are thrown back at her, Grace faces the biggest decision of her life.

    As everything she has believed is turned upside down, Grace realizes that the walls she’s worked so hard at building have been for no reason whatsoever, and she now needs to discover who the real Grace O’Connor is.

  • Book 5: A Highland Christmas

    Brianna O’Connor had been looking forward to spending Christmas in Spain with her friend, Susan. Instead, she found herself in her sister’s car heading for the Scottish Highlands to spend it with family she barely knew.

    Andrew McKinnon had come to the Highlands to share Christmas, and a secret that was about to change his life forever, with his parents.

    Surrounded by family thrust together by Brianna’s well-meaning brother, Daniel, Brianna and Andrew are attracted to each other, something Brianna had never expected would happen. Bruised and damaged as a teenager, can she now trust God to overcome her distrust of men and open her heart to this softly spoken handsome Scotsman?

What Readers Say About The Shadows Series...

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "This wonderful box set is filled with amazing characters and the most important part God. The author will have you on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens next. You won't be able to stop reading these books." Amzn Reader

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "All five of these books were deeply moving and beautiful! Each was as outstanding as the last! God's redemptive love permeated each one, overpowering the pain unique to each of the well defined characters. Truly outstanding!" Karla B

  • ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    "Another Juliette Duncan masterpiece! I have grown in my spiritual journey as I lose myself in the characters lives and their walk with God." Amzn Reader

About the Author

Hello! I'm a proud Aussie, and I'm also a USA Today bestselling author of Christian romance stories that ‘touch the heart and soul’. I live in Brisbane, Australia, and I write Christian fiction that encourages a deeper faith in a world that seems to have lost its way. Most of my stories include an element of romance, but the main love story in each of my books is always God's amazing, unconditional love for His wayward children.

If you like stories that are not only good reads, but uplift and inspire, then I'm sure you'll enjoy this bundle.

If you have any questions, leave a message in the chat box or email me at and I'll get back to you shortly.

Have a great day, and God bless!


Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews

Having enjoyed other books written by Juliette, I was looking forward to reading this series - I found it immensely readable, and was captivated by the characters and their lives, and the gritty situations and choices - not much housework got done as I was so drawn in and had to see how the story would work out! I particularly liked the inclusion of scripture and I feel it has underlined the blessing of applying prayer in all and every situation daily - big or small - and a great reminder of how loved by God we are, and He only want our obedience and to bestow blessing upon blessings - thank you!
I’ve also enjoyed telling others over coffee of what I am reading and the encouragement it is!


Very well written, compelling, and believable characters and storyline. I was swept away and could hardly put it down! Im looking forward to more by this author, who has quickly become a favorite!

Pat S.

I enjoy reading book by this author. I love alone and reading good books is my pastime

Missy D.

Inspiring. Engaging. Can’t stop reading. Want more series.

Carol S.

I thoroughly enjoyed each book. The characters are well developed, and their circumstances are interesting and relatable. I would certainly recommend this series !!

Lynne G.

I have read several of your box sets and they draw you in to where you become connected to them and think of them as if you know them and want to know how they are doing even after you have finished reading the books.

Thank you for the spiritual teachings as well as that help strengthen and/or confirm your faith in the Lord!

Jeanette E.

I love the amought of Bible in the books

Sheri S.

I love the interesting drama and spiritual content of the books. They are stories of people whose lives are messed up, but show how God can change that and make life how it should be.

Connie D.

Really sweet Christian romance! Hard to put down!

Susan. D.
