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The Ultimate Christian Romance Bundle

The Ultimate Christian Romance Bundle

13 books from two of Juliette's bestselling series

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4012+ 5 star reviews

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Get 13 Christian Romance books from The Water's Edge and the Transformed by Love Series by USA Today Bestselling Christian Romance Author, Juliette Duncan.

This offer is NOT available anywhere else.

"I loved reading the Water’s Edge series. Each book was filled with great stories of faith and family. They were very uplifting and so well written." D Ellis

The Water's Edge and Transformed by Loves Series take you on a heartwarming journey through the lives of characters who find love, faith, and healing in the quaint Aussie seaside town of Water's Edge, and the idyllic rural town of Salford. From unexpected beginnings and challenging paths to the discovery of God's grace and the power of community, each story weaves a tale of personal growth, deep connections, and the transformative power of love. Perfect for readers seeking inspirational stories that blend romance with a strong faith element, this series promises to captivate and uplift from the very first page.

Grab this special eBook bundle if you enjoy:

✅ Clean Christian romance that uplifts your heart and soul

✅ Realistic stories with flawed characters in need of God's love

✅ A small-town/beach setting

"This is a wonderful read that is full of hope, inspiration and God's healing touch. It will touch your heart and make you stop and think about your own life. Once you start reading these books you don't want to put them down."

"A great storyteller combined with a strong faith means you are soaked in a gripping journey of a person's walk with God from which we can all learn."

"A beautiful story of love, lost love pain and self-pity. It also lets us know that with God, our heavenly father, all things can be turned around to find all the love we need through our heavenly father. Such a sweet story"

Books included in the Bundle:

  • When I Met You
  • Because of You
  • With You Beside Me
  • All I Want is You
  • It Was Always You
  • My Heart Belongs to You
  • I'm Loving You
  • Finding You Under the Misteltoe
  • Because We Loved
  • Because We Dreamed
  • Because We Believed
  • Because We Forgave
  • Because We Cared

Main Tropes

  • Clean Christian Romances
  • Heartwarming and inspiring
  • No bad language or uncomfortable bedroom scenes


The Water’s Edge Christian Romance Series is a contemporary Christian Romance series set in the fictional town of Water's Edge south of Sydney, Australia.

"The whole series of Water's Edge is incredible! You can't put them down! Such amazing stories and such incredible testimonies of what an awesome God we serve! Every book is fabulous is a wonderful love story and a story of redemption and forgiveness." Jeannie C

  • A barmaid searching for purpose, a youth pastor searching for love.
  • A new marriage in trouble
  • A doctor on a mission, a young woman wrestling with God, and an illness that touches the entire town…
  • A young widow trusting God with her future. A handsome property developer who could be the answer to her prayers…
  • She’s in love with her late sister’s boyfriend. He treats her like his kid sister…
  • A jilted romance author and a free-spirited surfer, both searching for something more…
  • A young widow with an ADHD son. A new pastor with a troubled family background…
  • A beloved small-town doctor and a charming diner owner…

The Transformed by Love Series showcases God's amazing love in action in five couple's lives.

  • A decorated Lieutenant Colonel plagued with guilt. A captivating widow whose husband was killed under his watch…
  • A fallen TV personality fleeing his failures. An ex-wife and family facing their fears…
  • A marriage under threat
  • A single mom forging a new life. A handsome chaplain who steals her heart…
  • An envronmental scientist, a ruthless land developer, and a music teacher caught between them...


13 stories to 'touch your heart and soul'

"If you see Juliette Duncan’s name on a book, you should read it, because it will be great!" Gloria

Intro into Chapter One

When I Met You - Prologue

Amelia Anderson fled from Water’s Edge Bar and Tavern and tripped on the concrete steps, barely catching herself as hot tears stung her eyes. Gasping, she pressed her hands to her face, sharp breaths hissing past her lips.
How dare he!
She’d worked in places like this her entire life. As a bartender, she was used to inappropriate remarks and unsolicited invitations from the men who hung around the counter. But, ugh, that leering middle-aged man…
She was sick of men like him treating her however they wished.
There had to be more to life.
But what?
Hands trembling, she pulled a cigarette and lighter from her apron pocket. In past years, she wouldn’t have thought twice about a customer’s lustful words. It came with the territory. But tonight, when she’d refused to let that man’s degrading speech slide over her, her boss had called her inhospitable and said that, if she couldn’t do her job, she could take a hike.
Take a hike? Although new, she was the best and most experienced barmaid he had.
She wasn’t soft, but that creep should have been thrown out. Not her.
She lit the cigarette and took a long, slow drag. And then another.
She closed her eyes and slunk against the brick wall. Three more hours. How could she go back into that cesspit? Her stomach roiled, but she needed the job.
Her head snapped up at the lilt of piano music from the church across the road. Weird having a church opposite this sleazy bar. She opened her eyes. A man carrying a book under one arm propped open the front door before disappearing into the brightly lit sanctuary.
She finished her cigarette as churchgoers pulled into the car park and made their way inside. She was about to light up another when a short middle-aged woman climbed out of a station wagon. As she closed the door, her gaze landed on Amelia.
Amelia sunk further into the wall and averted her gaze. Since arriving in town a week earlier, she’d laid low. She’d bought groceries at the corner store at odd hours and gone back and forth from the apartment she shared with two other bartenders. That was it. She didn’t want to get to know anyone. Water’s Edge was a pit stop, just as her last town had been. And the town before.
The soft patter of white tennis shoes stopped in front of her. Sighing, she raised her head.
The woman stood before her, a cheerful smile bunching up her round face. Strands of silvery hair, twisted into a bun at her nape, escaped to tangle in the equally silvery necklace laying over her ruffled blouse. A cross glinted from it.
Amelia groaned. That’s all she needed. A Goody Two-shoes.
The woman’s smile broadened. “Hello.”
Angling her head, Amelia stood with folded arms while the woman rabbited on.
“I’m Charlotte Brown. I own the diner here in Water’s Edge. You must be new in town.” She waved a pudgy little hand, polish-free nails, only one ring. “I know just about everyone. No one passes up the diner’s weekend lunch specials. What’s your name, dear?”
Dear? Seriously? No one had called her ‘dear’ in a long time. If ever.
“Amelia.” Her eyes narrowed, and her lips pursed.
The corners of the woman’s blue eyes crinkled as she extended her hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Really? How could this respectable woman think it was nice to meet her?
Although her hand smelled of beer and the skulls on her rings would no doubt offend this gentle lady, Amelia accepted the gesture and took her hand. That soft hand—or maybe it was the woman’s whole persona—wrapped around her like a cuddly blanket and drew her in.
Peering at Amelia, the woman lowered her brow. “Are you all right?” Her voice was as soft and embracing as her hand. “You look like you’ve had a rough night.”
Amelia blinked back tears. Rough night? What an understatement. “Yeah, but it comes with the job.”
“You work in the bar?”
Here it came—the condemnation. Shedding the woman’s hand, Amelia ground her teeth and tightened her arms over her chest. “Yep.”
The woman nodded to the church. “Service is about to begin. Would you care to join me?”
Join her? Amelia frowned. She hadn’t set foot in a church in years. Her parents had never been much for getting right with God on Sundays. But this woman’s kindness and the strong urge to turn her back on the bar had her thinking.
It could be just the thing. Wasn’t she looking for something?
The woman patted Amelia’s forearm. “We can slip in the back. We won’t disturb anyone.”
The assurance that she, a black sheep, wouldn’t be paraded down the aisle in front of the citizens she’d so diligently avoided sealed the deal. She took a deep breath. “Okay. Why not?”
The woman’s smile threatened to stretch off her face. “Excellent! Come along, then.”
Amelia had nothing to lose by playing hooky to attend church, except her job. But she’d planned to move on soon anyway, so what did it matter? She followed the woman—Charlotte?—across the road.
Who’d have guessed that not only would she lose her job but also her impromptu church trip would change her life? 

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  • Water's Edge Book 1: When I Met You

    Amelia Anderson, tired of her nomadic life and bar jobs, finds hope in Water’s Edge after an encounter leads her to church. Youth Pastor Lucas Kelley, seeking a partner to share his faith, feels a connection with Amelia. As they get to know each other, they consider the potential of a future together, supported by their community and faith.

  • Water's Edge Book 2: Because of You

    Bubbly Willow Kelley has never had a reason to not trust God — until her husband leaves her for another woman after only one month of marriage. As she navigates her broken heart, devastating news will upend her family’s life… A captivating inspirational read.

  • Water's Edge Book 3: With You Beside Me

    When doctor Anthony reluctantly takes a job in a small coastal town, he meets beautiful Francesca — a woman who has experienced her own fair share of tragedy. With God’s guidance, can they find the strength to open their hearts to new love? An uplifting Christian romance!

  • Water's Edge Book 4: All I Want Is You

    Kylie Bainbridge, a young widow, juggles raising her daughter and maintaining her family's orchard after losing her husband and parents. Facing financial difficulties, she considers selling the farm unless a divine intervention presents a better option. Brent Mathison, uncomfortable with his father's unscrupulous business tactics, meets Kylie and is moved by her plight. As he grows closer to Kylie, he contemplates standing up to his father for a fairer deal, risking his job and future plans.

  • Water's Edge Book 5: It Was Always You

    Hayley O'Hara, struggling with her faith after her sister's death, harbors unrequited love for her sister's boyfriend, Jamie Benson. Together, they plan to open a hang-gliding center in Water’s Edge, facing personal and emotional challenges. As they integrate into the community and confront their feelings and past pains, they begin to question whether their close friendship could lead to love and if there's a greater plan for their lives.

  • Water's Edge Book 6: My Heart Belongs To You

    In Water’s Edge, heartbroken author Joanne Collins faces writer's block, finding unexpected comfort in newcomer Shane King, who harbors his own secrets. As they draw closer, they confront their fears of vulnerability, supported by the town's close community. Together, they must decide if they can move past their individual hurts towards a shared future, relying on faith to guide them through healing and towards hope.

  • Water's Edge Book 7: I'm Loving You

    Widowed Bronte McAllister, protective of her ADHD son Archie, turns to a church's home-schooling group for support despite past hurts. Meanwhile, Daniel Taylor, the new pastor at Water’s Edge Community Church, harbors a family secret that could affect his standing in the community. Mourning his wife, Daniel never planned to remarry until he meets Bronte. As they navigate their personal challenges and secrets, they ponder if their meeting is divinely orchestrated for mutual support and a new beginning in love.

  • Water's Edge Book 8: Finding You Under the Mistletoe

    In Water's Edge, everyone suspects friends Samuel and Charlotte share a deeper bond. As Christmas nears, hopes rise for them to acknowledge their love. Samuel, the compassionate town doctor, and Charlotte, the cheerful diner owner, seem a perfect match yet have never explored romance. This Christmas, Samuel's invitation to Charlotte sparks speculation about a possible love confession. Will they overcome fear to admit their feelings, or will they miss their chance at love? Their story is a heart-warming tale of faith, friendship turning into love, and the magic of Christmas.

  • Transformed By Love Book 1 : Becasue We Loved

    Callum Westaway, after years in the Middle East and grappling with PTSD, takes a less demanding role to consider his future. Widowed Fleur Gibbons, married to a soldier under Callum's command, meets him by chance, sparking an unexpected connection despite her reservations about his non-belief and her late husband's memory. With Callum's struggle for peace and Fleur's hesitation to move on, their budding relationship faces challenges. Yet, the possibility of healing and transformation through love and faith looms, suggesting a hopeful future if they can navigate the complexities of their pasts and differences.

  • Transformed By Love Book 2: Because We Dreamed

    Amy and Angus's joy at her pregnancy turns to despair after a miscarriage and a bleak prognosis. Overwhelmed, Amy leaves Angus and finds refuge with her cousin Daisy, who runs a homeless shelter. There, Amy befriends a young homeless woman, whose own situation deepens Amy's turmoil. Meanwhile, Angus, confused and hurt by Amy's departure, faces his own temptations but resolves to fight for their marriage. Amidst their personal grief and challenges, they wonder if their love and faith can lead to healing and the restoration of their dreams and relationship.

  • Transformed By Love Book 3: Because We Believed

    Marta Rodriguez, with a tough past of foster homes and betrayal, finds solace in Salford until her daughter faces bullying over her unknown father. Paul Petersen, orphaned at thirteen and now a devout Christian, wonders if Marta could be his destined partner. While Marta seeks her family rather than love, their paths intersect, raising questions about faith, love, and the possibility of a new family. Marta's quest for her roots and Paul's trust in God are tested as her search brings unforeseen dangers, challenging them to believe in the power of healing and love.

  • Transformed By Love Book 4: Because We Forgave

    After an embarrassing incident on national TV, game show host Samuel Jackson flees abroad, thinking his family is better off without him. Meanwhile, his estranged wife, Eloise, regrets prioritizing work and their children over their marriage. Their daughter Sasha, spotting Samuel in a travel documentary, embarks on a mission to reunite him with the family. As they navigate the complex emotions of betrayal, abandonment, and the possibility of forgiveness, they question if love and faith can restore their broken relationships and bring Samuel back into their lives.

  • Transformed By Love Book 5: Because We Cared

    Arriving in Deep River, environmental scientist Sasha Jackson discovers a community split over a marina development. Accusations fly about her potential bias towards the developer. Local music teacher and youth worker Brendan Carmichael is drawn to Sasha, despite concerns over her faith and the town's distrust. As they navigate their growing attraction and the town's tensions, they explore whether love and faith can lead to personal and communal transformation.

If you see Juliette Duncan’s name on a book, you should read it, because it will be great! Gloria

About the Author

Hello! I'm a proud Aussie, and I'm also a USA Today bestselling author of Christian romance stories that ‘touch the heart and soul’. I live in Brisbane, Australia, and I write Christian fiction that encourages a deeper faith in a world that seems to have lost its way. Most of my stories include an element of romance, but the main love story in each of my books is always God's amazing, unconditional love for His wayward children.

If you like stories that are not only good reads, but leave you uplifted and inspired, then I'm sure you'll enjoy this bundle.

If you have any questions, leave a message in the chat box or email me at and I'll get back to you shortly.

Have a great day, and God bless!
